Nominate Trump for Nobel Peace Prize
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5/3/2018 18 Congressmen Sign Letter to Nominate Trump for Nobel Peace Prize

Absolutely Ridiculous.


President Obama took office in January, 2009.
In October of 2009 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
He then proceeded to be the first two term President for which U.S. military forces were at war for all eight years of his tenure.
He launched airstrikes or military raids in at least seven countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan.

9/17/2015 Nobel secretary regrets Obama peace prize.
Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to US President Barack Obama in 2009 failed to achieve what the committee hoped it would, its ex-secretary has said.
Geir Lundestad told the AP news agency that the committee hoped the award would strengthen Mr. Obama.
Instead, the decision was met with criticism in the US. Many argued he had not had any impact worthy of the award.

Only at the end of President Trump's presidency should such an award be considered. And only if the award is based on actual accomplishment, not what the Nobel committee hopes to accomplish.

Should anyone feel President Trump has a chance of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, contact me. I'll give you some very favorable odds that ain't ever going to happen.


May, 2018