Colin Kaepernick
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5/25/2018 Race and football: why NFL owners are so scared of Colin Kaepernick

".... the real threat that Kaepernick posed isn't that he'll bring more attention to police brutality or racial injustice; it's that he'll mobilize players and encourage them to assert their rights in a way that's similar to the NBA. That's what really scares the NFL.

Not so. The real reason NFL owners are so scared of Colin Kaepernick is that many fans, myself included, will not attend or will tune out any game in which Colin Kaepernick plays.

Has nothing to do with race. Has everything to do with disrespecting my country.

Colin Kaepernick and other players should be free to kneel if team policy permits. As a consequence I am free to put a dent in attendance and advertising revenues of teams that play them.

There are many platforms to protest social injustice. The playing field should not be one of them.


June, 2018