Marco Rubio Turned His Back On Immigrants
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1/8/2016 10 Times Marco Rubio Turned His Back on Immigrants
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) comes from an immigrant family, but has no problem stepping all over the immigrant community to propel his political career. As a presidential hopeful, Senator Rubio trades on his family's immigrant experience, while simultaneously advocating policies that keep immigrants down. really needs to hire a competent editor for it's articles. In lieu of that I'll correct the above.

10 Times Marco Rubio Turned His Back on Illegal Immigrants
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) comes from a legal immigrant family, and has no problem stepping all over the illegal alien community. As a presidential hopeful, Senator Rubio trades on his family's legal immigrant experience, while simultaneously advocating policies that contain illegal immigration.


January, 2016