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1/13/2017 huffingtonpost.com: This Texas Gun Owner Has Been An NRA Member For 46 Years. Now He's Speaking Out.
      HB 375 would allow Texans to carry a gun without a permit or license
"It's mind-boggling they could come up with laws like that."
Not going to argue with the man. See my September, 2016 post "Concealed Carry Without Permit".

1/12/2017 salon.com: Hollywood activism: What is it good for?
"Absolutely Nothing!"

12/26/2016 politico.com: Obama: I could have won a third term
"I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I - if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it."
Thank God for the Twenty-Second Amendment.

12/26/2016 wnd.com: California Forming Own Nation? Group Optimistic
Damn! Have to build another wall.

12/15/2016 heatst.com: UC Berkeley to Offer Class on Bathroom Politics
Mommy should have trained the little darlings a long time ago.

12/9/2016 cnsnews.com: Chicago Mayor: Our City and State Have Values We Are Teaching Our Children - Embrace Gay Marriage
11/14/2016 npr.org: Mayor Rahm Emanuel: 'Chicago Always Will Be A Sanctuary City'
In view of the following I really question the Mayor's priorities;
      11-1-2016 washingtonpost.com: Chicago surpasses 600 homicides in 2016 and is on pace to have its deadliest year in two decades

12/6/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Senator: 'I Can't Let Our Country Become An Idiot Country'
Too late Senator.

11/27/2016 cnsnews.com: South San Francisco Police Officer Critically Injured in Skateboard Attack
What now California? Ban skateboards?

11/26/2017 nytimes.com: Miami's Cuban Exiles Celebrate Castro's Death
I celebrate no man's death. There are, however, some I mourn less than others.

11/23/2016 cnn.com: Veterans to deploy for Standing Rock
On December 4, hundreds of veterans plan to "deploy" to Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota to join in protest against the planned Dakota Access Pipeline.
Guess I don't really have a problem with this. I do wish, however, my brothers and sisters would consider putting their time, money and energy into addressing veteran's issues.

11/21/2016 presstv.com: Iran Navy fleet enters Atlantic Ocean for first time
"For the first time, the 44th flotilla of the Iranian Navy, consisting of the Alvand destroyer and the Bushehr logistic vessel ..."
Two vessels. One can only chuckle at the use of the words 'flotilla' and 'fleet'.

11/18/2016 wsj.com: In Their Coastal Citadels, Democrats Argue Over What Went Wrong
A 9 page article. Ridiculous. I can sum up what went wrong in 4 words; Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton.

11/17/2016 politico.com: Obama to anti-Trump protesters: Don't be silent
Please, somebody give President Obama a horse and point him toward the sunset. I know. Ain't gonna happen. He'll continue promote his destructive, divisive and misguided ideology as a political activist.

11/15/2016 thenation.com: An Unabashed Misogynist Is in Charge of Our Country. - Katha Pollitt
So says an unabashed misandrist.

11/15/2016 nypost.com: Obama says most agree with his world view, despite voting Trump
Right. And "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it."
"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." I truely feel President Obama believes this. If not, he's delusional. Not sure which is worse.

11/15/2016 foxnews.com: Google Home vs. Amazon Echo: Which robot do you let into your life?
Neither. My privacy and security are too important to me.

11/15/2016 huffingtonpost.com: CNN's Van Jones Is Fed Up With Trump Supporters
And everyone but the radical left is fed up with Van Jones.

11/15/2016 abcnews.go.com: Mayors of 'Sanctuary Cities' Say They'll Fight Trump's Plans
Personally I have no problem with this. Here. is a map of sanctuary cities. Please, all illegal immigrants flock to these cities.
Note to President-elect Trump: No additional federal funding to these cities for services which benefit illegal immigrants.

11/12/2016 huffingtonpost.com: New Pre-Election Poll Suggests Bernie Sanders Could Have Trounced Donald Trump
Only in your dreams huffingtonpost. Only in your dreams.

11-12-2016 huffingtonpost.com: English Cafe's Sign Sums Up How The World Feels About U.S. Right Now
Can't help but chuckle. That's funny.

11/10/2016 foxnews.com: Attorney General prospect Giuliani leaves door open to Clinton prosecution
If it's revenge your seeking, best dig two graves. Let it go. Drop it. Time to move on. Nothing to be gained by prosecuting Secretary Clinton.

11/10/2016 foxnews.com: Restaurant industry divided over Trump's proposed policies
Don't know about the restaruant industry but he will certainly be good for the bar business! After reading through several conservative and progressive news sights I know that's where I'm headed now for some needed self medication.

11/4/2016 cnsnews.com: Obama Campaigns: 'We've Brought Our Men and Women Home From Iraq and Afghanistan'
Really? Tell that to the 10,000 U.S. troops currently in Afghanistan and the 4,565 U.S. troops currently in Iraq.

11/4/2016 abcnews.go.com: Report: Gay Characters Hit Record High on Network TV
Must be getting some pretty good weed.

11/4/2016 salon.com: Democrats are just better at this stuff: Obama used executive power for progressive ends - and Hillary Clinton will follow his lead
And therein lies the problem. The total disregard of the electorate and the congress they elected.

10/28/2016 cnsnews.com: Gruber: 'A Larger Mandate Penalty' Will Make Obamacare 'Work Better'
Whenever this man speaks just remember his 2014 statement: "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing (Affordable Care Act; aka Obamacare) to pass."

10/28/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Stumping With Clinton, Michelle Obama Reminds America 'Hillary Doesn't Play'
Again I have to edit huffingtonpost.com: 'Hillary Doesn't Play Unless You Pay'

10/20/2016 dailycaller.com: Hillary Talks Nonsense In Gun Control Rant
President Obama has frequently been touted as the best gun salesman in America. Let this woman be elected and all his records will be shattered.

10/19/2016 salon.com: Bill Clinton probably won't shake Melania Trump's hand during the final presidential debate
That's a good thing. It will keep her from having to use hand sanitizing wipes afterward.

10/5/2016 ktla.com: Sheriff's Sergeant Dies After Being Shot in Lancaster; Suspected Gunman in Custody
10/8/2016 usatoday.com: Two officers dead, one injured in Palm Springs shooting
10/15/2016 usatoday.com: Gun battle at LA restaurant leaves 3 dead, 12 wounded
10/19/2016 foxnews.com: Authorities search for 4 suspects after 4 shot outside San Francisco high schools
10/19/2016 latimes.com: Deputy killed in Modoc County - the 4th on-duty California police officer to die in 2 weeks
Hey California! How are those 'toughest gun control laws in the nation' working out for you?

10/12/2016 cnn.com: Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Kaepernick protests: 'I think it's dumb and disrespectful'
10/14/2016 cnn.com: Ruth Bader Ginsburg apologizes to Colin Kaepernick after criticizing anthem protest
Absolutely nothing to apologize for Justice Ginsburg.

10/11/2016 foxnews.com: Colin Kaepernick to start for 49ers on Sunday against the Bills
That's a game I will not be watching. Not about to add to the TV ratings or knowingly purchase advertised products.

10/11/2016 cnsnews.com: Clinton: 'As Secretary of State, I Had Some of the Most Important Secrets That We Possess'
And now Russia, China and Iran probably have them too.

10/5/2016 foxnews.com: Iran's space agency 'interested' in cooperating with NASA
(Cooperation: an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit.)
What common purpose? To aid in the development of Iran's long-range missile program? What common benefit? Iran has nothing we need. We have everything they want. Don't take the apple offered by the snake.

10/3/2016 foxnews.com: Obama: Republican voters think I'm 'the Antichrist'
You give yourself far too much credit Mr. President.

9/28/2016 huffingtonpost.com: 'I Want You To Get Some Good Looking Hostesses'
Employees at Trump's California golf course say he wanted to fire women who weren't pretty enough. Donald Trump wanted only the pretty ones, his employees said.
To fire existing hostesses simply because they are not pretty enough would be a bad thing. To hire only pretty hostesses I have no problem with.

9/26/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Director Rob Reiner Unloads On Donald Trump For Pushing White Nationalism
Not white nationalism. Just plain nationalism. Rob Reiner. Another race bating Hollywood liberal. Archie was right - 'Meathead'.

9/25/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Good News! Kim Kardashian Made Up Her Mind And She's Voting For Hillary Clinton
I like this headline. It started out my day with a laugh.

9/24/2016 foxnews.com: Mariners suspend catcher for tweets on Black Lives Matter, police shootings
"BLM is pathetic once again! Obama you are pathetic once again! Everyone involved should be locked behind bars like animals!" another tweet read.
The suspension of Steve Clevenger is as it should be.

9/19/2016 foxnews.com: Emmys 2016: Donald Trump focus of Emmys as stars bash candidate, accept awards
Hey Hollywood. Nobody east of 'The 15' cares what you think.

9/18/2016 cnsnews.com: WH Reports on Its Efforts to Use Psychology to Advance Its Programs, Policies
President Obama, in September 2015, issued an executive order directing his administration to use behavioral science insights to better serve the American people. "The order directs Federal Government agencies to apply behavioral science insights -- research insights about how people make decisions and act on them -- to the design of their policies and programs."
Fancy language for social engineering, i.e. 'changing the behavior of individuals in order to achieve a politically determined goal'.

9/14/2016 foxnews.com: UN panel blames capitalism, property rights for lack of access to medicines in poor nations
A bit of a 'Catch 22' since without capitalism and property rights the medicines would never have been developed.

9/8/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Charges Dropped Against Man Who Killed His Wife's Would-Be Rapist
Absolutely outstanding!

9/6/2016 foxnews.com: Calif. university latest to establish 'black-only' housing
Talk about a step backward! Wonder how black students who choose to live with 'there own kind' in a segregated environment will fare in a racially mixed work place. Will they demand all black employees on the 2nd floor, all white employees on the 3rd?

8/28/2016 nfl.com: Colin Kaepernick: I'll continue to sit during National Anthem
It looks as if Colin Kaepernick has at least secured his footnote in history. Not for his football prowess (8-8 in 2014, 2-6 in 2015) but for his anti-American, racist act of sitting during National Anthem an proclaiming; "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color".

9/1/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Prepare For Binge-Watching: A New Bill Nye Show Is Coming To Netflix
Binge-watch Bill Nye? Really? Somebody needs to get a life.

8/29/2016 foxnews.com: Tamara Holder: Standing for our national anthem doesn't make you a good American
Just like wearing a wedding band doesn't make you a good husband or wife, standing for the national anthem isn't what makes you a good American
Perhaps not. But not standing for our national anthem does make you a bad American.

8/23/2016 salon.com: Republicans' "voter fraud" false flag:
Voter ID laws offer imaginary solutions to imaginary problems Recent Gallup poll finds a majority of Americans consider "statistically nonexistent" voter fraud a real problem.
Polio, smallpox and tuberculosis are "statistically nonexistent" diseases. Should we also abandon all efforts to assure they do not become a problem?

8/18/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Private Prison Companies Will Still Lock Up Immigrants, Despite DOJ Decision
Nope. Private Prison Companies Will Still Lock Up Illegal Immigrants, Despite DOJ Decision

8/18/2016 huffingtonpost.com: White Male Privilege Is Why We Laugh At Lochte And Villify Douglas
It appears there is nothing the liberal media cannot twist into a sexist racial issue.

8/14/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Banning 'Burkinis' From Beach Is Stupid And Sexist
Two French resort towns are prohibiting women from wearing "burkinis" on public beaches.
Stupid yes. Sexist no.

8/5/2016 cnsnews.com: Obama: 'I'm at the End of My Presidency, So the Press is Kind of Feeling a Little Sentimental'.
The press may be feeling sentimental but I'm feeling relief and dread. Relief in that President Obama will soon be out of office. Dread in that should Hillary Clinton become President, divineness in America will continue unabated.

8/7/2016 salon.com: America's great mistakes: Has everyone forgotten that the Vietnam and Iraq wars were unnecessary, stupid and destructive?
I haven't. Not a day passes that something doesn't remind me. A 'Retired Army' license plate holder. A 'My Son Is A U.S. Marine' bumper sticker. A 'Navy Veteran' ball cap. A military recruitment billboard. A news headline. A U.S. flag. Something.

8/5/2016 cbsnews.com: Clinton slams Trump for making products overseas
8/3/2016 washingtonpost.com: Donald Trump just downgraded Hillary Clinton from 'the devil' to the 'founder of ISIS'
In June I posted: 'Time to end the personal attacks. Time to hear each candidate's priorities and how they intend to address them.'
I'm still waiting.

8/5/2016 foxnews.com: Clinton: We have a Republican nominee who is anti-immigrant
Not so Secretary Clinton. We have a Republican nominee who is anti-illegal immigrant and pro responsible vetting of immigrants.

8/5/2016 mic.com: Mekahlo Medina, the president of NAHJ (National Association of Hispanic Journalists)
"We are the voice in newsrooms for those forced to be silent," he said ahead of Clinton's press conference. "We stand up for those who have been knocked down, but not knocked out. We fight not only to matter, but to be counted and to belong."
That's not journalism. That's activism

8/2/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Donald Trump Would Expect Ivanka To Find New Career If She Were Sexually Harassed At Work
Stupid headline. As Executive Vice President of Development & Acquisitions at the Trump Organization she'd just fire whoever sexually harassed her.

8/1/2016 foxnews.com: Who does a third-party candidate hurt more?
As for me, it hurts Donald Trump more. I cannot vote for Secretary Clinton. I made that clear in a previous post. While I agree with Mr. Trump on most issues, he's going to have to start acting and sounding like a leader rather than an arrogant immature ass. If elections were held today I'd vote third party.

7/25/2016 cnsnews.com: Sen. Kaine: Immigration Is 'Like Transfusion Of Fresh Blood Into The Bloodstream'
The problem, Senator, is the blood is not being adequately tested for disease: 4/7/2016 washingtontimes.com: U.S. cuts Syrian refugee screening time in order to handle surge. Obama administration has decided to rush their vetting process to three months, from the original 18-24 months.

7/24/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Obama: Donald Trump's Ideas Betray America
Not so Mr. President. Donald Trump's ideas betray your and the progressive vision for America.

7/23/2016 newsmax.com: Gun Sales Reach 52,600 a Day Under Obama Administration
Americans are buying guns in record numbers, reportedly fueled by fears over gun control and terror attacks.
'Chief Gun Salesman', President Obama's one unequivocal success.

7/22/2016 foxnews.com: Panel: Trump's speech strong on substance, hurt by style.
Had to chuckle when I read this. Eight years ago it could have read; Panel: 'Obama's speech strong on style, hurt by substance.

7/18/2016 cnsnews.com: Kerry: Congress Has Shown 'Absolutely Zero Willingness' to Support Ground Troops in Syria
Not a problem. Bring all U.S. troops in Syria home. Syria, Russia and Iran can handle ISIS without our assistance.

7/3/2016 foxnews.com: Dems threaten more House disruptions over gun control, putting pressure on Ryan
Makes me think of 2 year olds throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way.

7/2/2016 foxnews.com: Elite NYC school teaching kindergartners about 'white privilege'
An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as 6 that they're born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from "white privilege," while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers.
Not smart. The end result will be to instill 'white bitterness' toward 'black entitlement'.

6/30/2016 dailycaller.com: Obama Admin Tells Florida Agencies To Deny Public Records Requests On Orlando Attack
Of course it does. Can't have the facts conflicting with whatever narrative President Obama chooses to spin.

6/26/2016 foxnews.com: Girls angry after 'Fame' high school crowns boy prom queen
6/25/2016 1010wcsi.com: Honorees withdraw from San Francisco pride parade protesting extra police
In the progressive world your damned if you do and damned if you don't.

6/30/2016 dailycaller.com: Maybe it's not radical Islam. Maybe it's just "Islam." - Ann Coulter
Statements like this are the reason I no longer pay any attention to Ann Coulter's commentaries.

6/30/2016 dailycaller.com: Equal Pay For Less Work? Every Day Men Work 42 More Minutes Than Women
Could it be that it takes a man 42 minutes longer than it takes a woman to get the same amount of work done? Just a thought.

6/24/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Why You Shouldn't Drink Coffee First Thing In The Morning
My significant other will tell you, in no uncertain terms, why I should drink coffee first thing in the morning. She's one of those damn 'morning people'. An absolute delight when she wakes. That's why I rise early and get a couple of cups down before she gets up. Believe me, sets a much better tone for the remainder of the day.

6/24/2016 foxnews.com: Mizzou interim president: Those who didn't support race protests were 'bitter, angry people'
And those that did support race protests were what, delightful, cheerful people? Another college administrator more concerned with pandering to the 'poor dears' than preparing them for life outside their 'safe space'.

6/23/2016 foxnews.com: Supreme Court blocks Obama immigration plan
Obama said the decision "takes us further from the country that we aspire to be."
We? What chu mean 'we'? I believe you mean 'from the country you aspire us to be'. 'You' and 'we' are not even close in our aspirations for America.

6/23/2016 huffingtonpost: A Woman President Will Expose the Ugly Underbelly Of Blatant Sexism In A Whole New Way
It's started. Just as the liberal press screamed 'An African American President Will Expose the Ugly Underbelly Of Blatant Racism In A Whole New Way' they will now label any objection to or disapproval of Hillary Clinton as sexism.

6/23/2016 salon.com: American parents are miserable: Moms and dads alike face a massive "happiness gap"
"Having kids in the U.S. is brutal." Sociologists blame the country's paltry social services, among other factors
Even if I were to accept 'American parents are miserable' and 'face a massive 'happiness gap', I would argue it is the need for social services, not the lack of, that is the root cause.

6/9/2016 salon.com: The danger of bringing back Bill to a Hillary Clinton White House
Run and hide female interns. Run and hide.

6/9/2016 dailycaller.com: DNC Platform Committee Member Says Nobody 'Should Have A Gun'
Agreed. Should have at least two guns.

6/9/2016 salon.com: The GOP owns Trump University's sleaze: Republicans have been tolerant of con artists for decades
Had to chuckle when I read this headline. For 8 years democrats have not only been tolerant of but have supported President Obama, the greatest master of deceit to ever hit the world stage.

6/4/2016 foxnews.com: Judge says US women's soccer team has no right to strike over wages before Olympics
Let them strike. If their hearts are not in it I would rather them not play than be embarrassed by their probable performance.

6/3/2016 dailycaller.com: Obama To Air Force Grads: Females In Leadership Mean A Stronger Military
"And because all combat positions in our military are open to women like you. We're stronger because of it."
And your proof of that is what? Just because you say it don't make it so. I'll go with the 2015 nine month Marine Corps experiment, 'Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force', that showed all-male ground combat teams outperformed their mixed-gender counterparts in nearly every capacity.

5/23/2016 washingtonpost.com: VA chief compares waits for veteran care to Disneyland: They don't measure and we shouldn't either
"When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line?"
UFB. Yes, Disney does measure and analyze wait times. Another idiot appointee by President Obama. Today is 5/25/2016. Why does Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald still have a job? His pink slip should have been delivered on the 24th. Guess too few veterans voted Democratic in 2012 and 2014 for President Obama to give a damn.

5/21/2016 washingtonexaminer.com: Clinton: Trump's gun policies put kids 'at risk of violence'
Secretary Clinton, at least for me, just tilted the scales in favor of Donald Trump.

5/20/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Elizabeth Warren To Donald Trump: I'm Right, You're Wrong
Typical progressive response when logic and reason fail them.

5/15/2016 politico.com: Obama to graduates: Building walls won't make world better
Not concerned with the world Mr. President. Concerned with the United States. Building walls to effectively curb illegal immigration, and the crime and economic costs associated with it, will make the United States better.

5/13/2016 salon.com: The real costs of a "Marvel body": How the pressure to look like Thor and Captain America is hurting men
Any man who feels pressure to look like Thor or Captain America has issues way beyond body image. My first thought is an insecure narcissist with low self esteem due to penis envy and mommy issues.

1/13/2016 dailycaller.com: NFL Star Returns His Daughter's Participation Ribbons
"I took her Field Day participation ribbon & gave it back to her teacher. Then in the next event she got 1st place," the NFL star (DeAngelo Williams) tweeted.
Poor child. She'll probably grow up with the notion that to feel successful one must actually accomplish something.

5/10/2016 dailycaller.com: London Mayor Rejects Trump's Muslim Ban 'Exception,' Endorses Hillary
I'm trying to think why I care what the Mayor of London accepts or rejects or who he endorses ....... Nope, I got nothing.

5/10/2016 foxnews.com: Deported veteran gets new shot at American Dream
Daniel Torres is finally a citizen of the land he once served as a U.S. Marine while living a lie, and this time he has a chance to make things right.
As it should be. He served the United States with honor. Semper Fi brother.

5/4/2016 windows10update.com: Windows 10 Upgrades Will Cost $119 Beginning July 30
So the free upgrade offer is definitely coming to an end as planned on July 29, as Microsoft has confirmed that Windows 10 upgrades after this date will cost $119.
Upgrade? In my case, no. Windows 7 is rock solid. It runs every program I use with no issues. Windows 10 provides no features I need or want. Windows 7 will be supported by Microsoft until 2020. By that time my system will be 5 years old. Time to upgrade to new a computer which will have whatever Microsoft's current OS is.

5/3/2016 foxnew.com: Fans petition for 'Frozen's' Elsa to have female love interest in sequel
OK. But Rachel Maddow has to announce a male love interest in return. The audiences for both 'Frozen' and 'The Rachel Maddow Show' have about the same level of maturity so it's a fair trade off.

5/3/2015 usnews.com: The Navy's chief of naval operations says Russian jets buzzing a U.S. military ship and planes in the Baltics are escalating tension between the two nations.
"My hope is that we can stop this sort of activity," Adm. John M. Richardson told reporters at the Pentagon.
WOW! Such forcefulness. Someone, help Russian President Putin off the floor when he stops laughing.

5/3/2015 cnsnews.com: Ayatollah to US: Conduct Your Military Exercises in Bay of Pigs, Not 'Our' Persian Gulf
"The Persian Gulf is our home," he said. "The Persian Gulf is the place for the presence of the great nation of Iran," which will continue to hold maneuvers and demonstrate its power there.
Funny, funny man considering each day 30% of all maritime-traded petroleum passes through the Persian Gulf, Iran has previously threatened to mine the Strait of Hormuz and there are seven Arab countries that border the Persian Gulf. One can only marvel at Iran's arrogance and bluster.

5/2/2016 salon.com: We must shame dumb Trump fans: The white working class are not victims - David Masciotra
It's not smug liberalism to point out Trump backers are low-educated. What's dangerous is to sympathize with them.
Question. Were they dumb low-educated Obama backers when 64% of voters with less than a high school education voted for President Obama in 2012? What's dangerous for liberal elitists such as Mr. Masciotra is they fail to realize that a very large segment of American voters empathize, not sympathize, with Trump backers.

5/1/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Run on a Ticket With Donald Trump? No, Thanks, Many Republicans Say
Where is Condoleezza Rice when we need her?

4/29/2016 foxnews.com: Which stars are serious about leaving US if Donald Trump wins presidency?
Lena Dunham, Samuel L. Jackson, Miley Cyrus, Cher, Jon Stewart, Raven Symone, are just a handfull of Hollywood types who say that if Donald Trump wins the presidency, they will flee the United States.
Would hate to see Samuel L. Jackson leave, but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. As for the others, I couldn't care less.

4/27/2016 npr.org: Donald Trump Accuses Hillary Clinton Of Playing The 'Woman Card'
Not surprised at Ms. Clinton playing the 'woman card'. With a husband like Bill Clinton she probably can't help being a misandrist.

4/27/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Here's How Much People Trust Facebook
Most American adults don't have a lot of faith in Facebook when it comes to their personal data, a new poll from The Huffington Post and YouGov shows.
Have never had a Facebook account. Never will. That's how much I trust Facebook. Want to know what's up with me? Call, write or email. I'll do the same.

4/27/2016 huffingtonpost.com: HuffPost Will Cover Donald Trump As 'A Buffoon And Dangerous,' Even If He's The Nominee
As opposed to covering who: Bernie Sanders, a socialist loon? Hillary Clinton, a scandal-ridden incompetent?

4/23/2016 salon.com: Seymour Hersh spills the secrets of Bin Laden's execution: "He was a prisoner of war. It was a hit"
When I see the name 'Bin Laden' I think 911 (September 11, 2001). I think of the 2977 lives lost. Somehow I fail to see a problem with it being a hit.

4/20/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Let's Get It Done: Put a Woman on the Front of the $10 Bill Now!
Not a problem. Might I suggest Nancy Morgan Hart (1735-1830). Read her story 'here'. You will find no greater example of a women's courage and commitment to our nations values and history. It won't, of course, be Ms. Hart. Too patriotic. Instead it will be a woman whose accomplishment represents a current progressive political issue or social hot button. Hey, how about Katelyn Jenner?

4/19/2016 washingtonexaminer.com: Gun industry's economic impact soars 158%, jobs, wages up, record taxes paid
President Obama's one indisputable economic and cultural success.

4/17/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Obama Backs Cable Competition And Infuriates Industry
Do it. Allow consumers to switch from pricey cable television boxes to less expensive devices. No different than the 1968 Carterphone case in which the FCC allowed the Carterfone and other devices to be connected directly to the AT&T network.

4/17/2016 cnsnews.com: Senator Says U.S. Needs Gun Control Laws to 'Protect Ordinary Citizens'
Nope. Ordinary citizens need guns to protect themselves.

4/14/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Raising The Minimum Wage Is A Really, Really Popular Idea
Pick your poison America. You can have a $15 an hour minimum wage or you can have jobs for our youth and undereducated. But you can't have both.

4/12/2016 salon.com: "Media can be the greatest force for peace on earth": Amy Goodman reflects on the 20th anniversary of "Democracy Now!"
Media can also be the greatest disruptive force on earth, which is the path progressive media organizations such as 'Democracy Now' have chosen.

4/9/2016 dailycaller.com: Ohio State Swiftly Ends Students' 'Occupation' With Promises Of Arrest, Expulsion
As it should be.

4/7/2016 presstv.com: Nilesat pulls Hezbollah's Al-Manar off air
Lebanon's resistance movement Hezbollah and its supporters have criticized a decision by the Egyptian satellite provider Nilesat to take down Al-Manar TV broadcast from its platform.
Hezbollah is not a Lebanon resistance movement. Hezbollah is a proxy terrorist organization for Iran.

4/7/2016 cnsnews.com: Obama Claims Power to Make Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Social Security, Disability
Of course he does. Considering his FY2017 budget request seeks a 17.9% increase in appropriations for expenditures for former Presidents, won't be coming out of his pocket.

4/7/2016 foxnews.com: Trump: I'm on very friendly territory, it's New York
4/7/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Welcome Home, Donald - You Can't Fool New Yorkers
Have to wait for the New York presidential primary on April 19, 2016 to see if New Yorkers are friendly fools.

4/2/2016 foxnews.com: Air France stewardesses furious over order to wear headscarves on Tehran flights
Stewardesses normally can choose between wearing a skirt or trousers, but have been instructed to wear a long jacket and trousers specifically for Tehran flights.
Just to even things out, serve 'croque monsieurham' ham and cheese sandwiches on Tehran flights. Both cultures are thus represented.

4/1/2016 dailycaller.com: Black College Students Say They Are 'Prisoners' Of 'Barren, Racist Wasteland'
Alanna Hardy, a black student who lives in a on campus blacks-only on-campus dorm called the dorm an "oasis" where she could recover from the pain of having to be near whites and Asians while walking to class.
I have a novel idea, Ms. Hardy. Transfer to Spelman College, Howard University or Hampton University. All three are excellent black colleges where you won't have to be traumatized by those nasty ol' Whites and Asians. You can then live and work in Detroit where the population is 83% black.

3/29/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Education in Crisis and the Threat of Privatization
Education is in crisis. And we must organize to resist, to push back, to fight the mechanization of learning, and the standardization of children.
Nope. We must improve the education children receive in public school systems, thus eliminating the need for privatization.

3/27/2015 huffingtonpost.com: Here's Why Some Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men
It's Just a Bro-Job. No Homo.
Not to burst your delusional bubble huff, but a man who has sex with another man is not 'straight' .... Yes Homo.

3/26/2016 foxnews.com: Should US fear retaliation for killing ISIS No. 2 leader?
No. Any act of terrorism ISIS might claim was in retaliation would have occurred regardless.

3/22/2016 foxnews.com: Grenell: Public should demand Apple unlock terrorist's phone
Former adviser to four U.S. ambassadors to the U.N. says if you support the tech giant's refusal to cooperate with the FBI in the San Bernardino case, you give up the right to complain about terrorist attacks.
Disagree. If you support the government's demand that Apple unlock terrorist's phone in the San Bernardino case, you forfeit your right to privacy.

3/21/2016 foxnews.com: North Korea fires five short-range projectiles into Sea of Japan
WOW! They can hit an ocean.

3/18/2016 video.foxnews.com: Nike debuts self-tying sneakers
First Velcro. Now self-tying. Learning to tie a shoe lace. A sense of accomplishment for a child. A sense of pride for a parent. Another parent-child bonding experience stripped away by inovation/technology.

3/17/2016 nytimes.com: Bowe Bergdahl Had 'Severe Mental Disease or Defect,' Lawyer Says
I agree. It's called traitorism.

3/17/2016 salon.com: Watch Jorge Ramos destroy Bill O'Reilly for enabling Donald Trump:
"As a journalist, you have to take a stand against racism"
In its purest sense journalism is 'writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation'. By this definition Mr. O'Reilly is not a journalist. He is instead a commentator. As such he is free to take a stance 'for' or 'against', or take 'no stance at all'. Neither is Mr. Ramos a journalist. He falls under the heading of activist.

3-14/2016 cnsnews.com: Sanders - We Need to Make Sure Federal Contracts Go to People Who Need It Most
No Senator Sanders, we don't. We need to make sure federal contracts go to people who can fulfill the terms of contracts on time and on budget. Don't care if it's Halliburton or Sarah May's Boutique.

3/9/2016 huffingtonpost.com: How Hate and Islamophobia Undermine America This Election Year; Hassan Shibly - Chief Executive Director of CAIR-Florida
When I see 'CAIR' I no longer waste my time reading the article. One might ask why I choose not to be enlightened by an organization whose professed purpose is to 'challenge stereotypes and defend the rights of Islam and Muslims in America'. READ

3/12/2016 foxnews.com: Army boss takes aim at bureaucracy over sidearm choices.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley: "Two years to test technology that we know exists. You give me $17 million on the credit card, I'll call Cabela's tonight, and I'll outfit every soldier, sailor, airman, and Marine with a pistol and I'll get a discount on it for bulk buys."
I think I may have found a man I just might want for President.

3/3/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Sarah Paulson Says She's 'Absolutely' In Love With Holland Taylor
Who are Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor? And why should it be of any interest to me that one is 'absolutely' in love with the other?

2/29/2016 bbc.com: Iran election: Reformists win all 30 Tehran seats
As long as there is an Ayatollah (Supreme Leader), selected by an Assembly of Experts, whose members are selected by a Guardian Council, whose members are selected by the Ayatollah, all supported by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, Iran's elections are merely symbolic.

2/27/2016 denverpost.com: Paige: Peyton Manning will ride off into the sunset
According to two sources, Manning will acknowledge his retirement decision by the end of this week.
This would be a very good thing. First, he goes out on top, having won Super Bowl 50. Second, as a Kansas City Chiefs fan, I'll no longer have to watch him dismantle our defense. For his positive impact on American football and role model status for our youth, I wish Peyton nothing but the best.

2/26/2016 cnn.com: Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump
As if I needed another reason to not support Donald Trump.

2/23/2016 zdnet.com: Bill Gates agrees with FBI, not Apple when it comes to iPhone hack request
DUH! Bill Gates owns roughly 3% of Microsoft, a stake worth $12+ billion. Anything he can do to negatively impact Apple's reputation, thus its stock and customer loyalty, will enhance Microsoft's market postion, stock value and Mr. Gates net worth.

2/8/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Ted Cruz Says It Would Be 'Nuts' To Draft Women
If all military positions, including combat positions, are open to women, women should be subject to the draft. Given my druthers I'd prefer women not serve in combat roles. However, equal rights - equal responsibility.

2/3/2016 salon.com: No, white people, you still can't say the N-word: That word belongs to black people and our culture now - not yours - D. Watkins
Have no intention of using it. Do not want to degrade my culture to Mr. Watkin's level by its use.

2/3/2016 foxnews.com: South Korea warns North Korea not to launch long-range rocket
South Korea warned on Wednesday of "searing" consequences...
Daniel Russel, the top diplomat for East Asia, said a launch "would be an unmistakable slap in face to those who argue that you just need to show patience and dialogue with the North Koreans but not sanctions," ...
Bla, bla, bla. Just shoot the damn thing down.

2/3/2016 www.nbcnews.com: Military Officials: Women Should Register for Draft - Just Like Men
I agree.

2/1/2015 salon.com: "It's going to be hard to change the Republican party": E.J. Dionne explains how the right went wrong - and helped create Donald Trump and Ted Cruz
The right did not create Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. The liberal left did with its progressive domestic agenda as well as President Obama with his inept foreigh policies.

1/30/2016 huffingtonpost.com: We Need More From Our Candidates
How candidates for high office speak about the Middle East should be a critical test of their capacity to lead our nation.
Wrong! How candidates for high office speak about America should be a critical test of their capacity to lead our nation.

1/29/2016 huffingtonpost.com: It Just Got Easier For Straight 'Bros' To Meet Dudes For Dates, Sex And More
Huh? What is it about the word 'straight' that huffingtonpost.com doesn't understand.

1/27/2016 washingtontimes.com: Veterans groups to Trump: Keep your money.
"If offered, @IAVA ( Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) will decline donations from Trump's event. We need strong policies from candidates, not to be used for political stunts," Mr. Rieckhoff (CEO of IAVA) tweeted.
Different generation. Different wars. My sentiments nonetheless.

1/4/2016 salon.com: My penis size obsession: All my life I've worried about measuring up
Idiot. It's not the length of the fire hose that makes the difference. It's how you use it.

1/4/2016 huffingtonpost.com: Celebrating Our Right to Marry While Acknowledging the Psychological Scars
Just get over it! From combat veterans to abused women to the racially slurred, many of us have psychological scars. Most of us have the fortitude to deal with it and not live our lives having an eternal pity party. You were dealt a hand. You won. Stop bitching because the other players stressed you out during play.

1/3/2016 cnsnews.com: Kerry: Paris Climate Change Deal Tops Obama Administration's List of Accomplishments in 2015
I'll be so glad when Secretary Kerry and his handler President Obama are no longer in positions to try to convince the American public a gold plated lead brick is solid gold.

1/2/2016 presstv.com: Iran strongly condemns Nimr execution
This from the country which executes more people per capita than any other country in the world.