Dr. Ben Carson - "We don't need a Department of Veterans Affairs..."
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8/26/2015 Dave Ramsey Show: Dr. Ben Carson - "We don't need a Department of Veterans Affairs... Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense. And it should be a smooth transition. We need to be looking at the way we take care of our soldiers."

I assume by "soldiers" Dr. Carson also means Marines, Sailors, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and National Guardsmen. Best just to use the term military personnel and veterans. (OMG! Now I'm schooling on political correctness)

"We need to be looking at the way we take care of our soldiers." I agree. Scandles at the VA involving health care make this a no brainer.

"Veterans Affairs should be folded in under the Department of Defense." - I disagree. The Department of Defense is as notorious for its inefficiency, mismanagement and waste as the VA, if not more so. That's like out of the frying pan and into the fire.

The VA does not have a resource problem: 320,000 employees, 971 hospitals and clinics.
Nor a budget problem: $169 billion.

The VA has a culture problem: Cooking its own books to hide bad service.
And a management problem: Multiple VA Inspector General reports have linked many VA patient care problems to widespread mismanagement within VA facilities.

Keep the Department of Veterans Affairs. Fix it.

How? Do a Google search "how to fix va". You'll find everything from Donald Trump's "I'd fire everybody" to a multitude of fixes for mismanagement based on proven business practices.

Every veteran put his life on hold, some their life on the line, in defense of this nation. Many are maimed. Many will remain physiologically scared for life. Our veterans deserve the best we can provide. Fix the damn system.


August, 2015