Statue of Liberty Born a Muslim
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12/2/2015 The Statue of Liberty Was Born a Muslim
The Statue of Liberty was originally conceived as a Muslim peasant woman and was to have stood at the approach to the Suez Canal, a lantern in her upraised hand serving as both lighthouse and a symbol or progress.

Perhaps. But when she reached the American shore she was reborn to symbolize 'life, liberty and pursuit of happiness'.

Rejected by her intended Muslim homeland, Egypt, she threw off her veil and adopted the persona of Libertas, the Roman goddess of Liberty. She discarded her lantern in favor of a torch to light the path of liberty. She clutched a tablet evoking the law upon which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

She didn't promise special favor based on religion or race. She didn't promise to conform to foreign ideals. She didn't promise entitlements. She promised only the opportunity to pursue a better life than the one left behind.

She was a welcome immigrant. An immigrant who embraced the ideals, values and principles of America.


December, 2015