Obama Warns. And Warns, and Warns.
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9/13/2015    scmp.com: Cyberattacks are 'not acceptable', Obama warns ahead of Xi Jinping's state visit
9/11/2015    nytimes.com: Obama Warns Russia Against Helping Arm Syrian Government
8/17/2015    cbsnews.com: Obama admin warns China about agents operating in U.S.
7/16/2015    rudaw.net: Obama warns Iraqi government over Iran military cooperation
6/1/2015     abc.net.au: South China Sea: Barack Obama warns China and other nations against land reclamation
4/21/2015    msnbc.com: Obama warns Iran on aiding Yemeni rebels
2/11/2015    telegraph.co.uk: Barack Obama warns Vladimir Putin not to continue 'aggressive actions'
1/23/2015    telegraph.co.uk: Barack Obama warns Pakistan: Shut down terrorist safe havens
12/19/2014  securityweek.com: Obama Warns North Korea Over Sony Hack: 'We Will Respond'
2/28/2014    npr.org: Obama Warns Russia Against Using Force In Ukraine
12/22/2013  rferl.org: Obama Warns South Sudan After U.S. Planes Fired On
7/12/2013    news24online.com: Obama warns China against 'coercion' in maritime disputes
12/3/2012    worldnews.nbcnews.com: Obama warns Syria's Assad not to use chemical weapons
3/18/2011    nytimes.com: Obama Warns Libya, but Attacks Go On
8/16/2010    hurriyetdailynews.com: Obama warns Turkish PM over stance on Israel, Iran
4/3/2009     theguardian.com: Obama warns North Korea over ballistic missile launch

The graphic above pretty much says it all. In the arena of world affairs President Obama has become the poster child for "All bark no bite; All hat no cattle". This is going to be a problem especially over the next 16 months as America's adversaries move to exert their will and fortify their gains before a new, and hopefully pro American, president takes office.

Divided domestically, scoffed at internationally, President Obama has reduced United States' influence to that of a second tier player. Not good for Americans. Not good for the free world. A disaster for America's strategic interests. I truly fear third tier status before his term ends January 20, 2017.


September, 2015