Paul Krugman
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Even though he is an avid defender of the welfare state, I attempt to read Paul Krugman's stuff. Including his Noble prize for economics, his credentials are impressive. I read. I consider. And then the man writes something so duplicitous I disregard the entire article, click out and go on the next thing.

Case in point. 4/24/2015 The New York Times: Zombies Of 2016 - Paul Krugman
The articles focus is on economics, with specific references to Social Security, Medicare, Affordable Care Act, supply side economics and tax increases. He also throws in a bit social justice stuff. He references Gov. Chris Christie, Gov. Jeb Bush, and Senator Marco Rubio and their positions on one or more of of these issues. I don't necessarily agree with Mr. Krugman's positions but this is an intelligent man. His opinions deserve consideration.

And then Mr. Krugman writes:

So why has the Republican Party experienced a zombie apocalypse? One reason, surely, is the fact that most Republican politicians represent states or districts that will never, ever vote for a Democrat, so the only thing they fear is a challenge from the far right.

"Most Republican politicians represent states or districts that will never, ever vote for a Democrat"? Really? Consider:

Republican Gov. Jeb Bush and Republican Sen. Marco Rubio represent the state of Florida.
Democrat President Obama won the state of Florida in both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections.

Republican Gov. Chris Christie represents the state of New Jersey.
Democrat President Obama won the state of New Jersey in both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections.

"Disregard". "Click out". On to the next thing.


April, 2015