August, 2014

Legislation to close loophole in GI Bill college aid dies in minutes
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7/23/2014 Legislation designed to prevent for-profit colleges from gaming the federal aid system and exploiting veterans died within 15 minutes of being introduced earlier this month.

This is a classic example of what is so messed up with our government.

Flashback: 1969 - Honourably discharged from military service.

It was my understanding at the time that under the GI Bill the government would pay tuition for a 4 year Bachelors Degree at a "state university".

Met with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs educational advisor at a satellite campus of a state university. Presented my bona fides. Filled out some paperwork. My eligibility was confirmed. For the next 5 and a half years attended evening courses, renewing my eligibility at the beginning of each semester. Received my bachelors degree. Never paid a dime for tuition.

Throughout that 5 and a half years I worked a 40 hour a week job. I married. I had a kid. It was clean. It was simple. No loopholes. No gaming the system. No exploitation.

I enlisted. Volunteered. I didn't feel the government owed me anything. I was thankful for the assistance.

This was all as it should have been. As it should be today.

From the article:
"... policies that encourage a diverse higher education system, ...".
What in hell is a "diverse education". Whatever it is, I have no problem with one pursuing it. But, if it's not offered at an accredited state university it should be on the veteran's dime.

"We should be expanding college access to our veterans, not denying them the opportunity to attend the institution of their choice, ...".
No one is denying veterans the opportunity to attend the institution of their choice. They're free to attend any university they choose. But if it's the University of Phoenix's San Diego campus which has a graduation rate under 15% and a 25% loan default rate, it should not be on the taxpayer's dollar.

"Since the new GI Bill took effect in 2009, nearly all legislation aimed at modifying it has failed. During that time, the amount of money for-profit education firms have spent on lobbying has skyrocketed."
This is the number one problem with our political system and representatives today. Money dictates policy.

"Since 2011, when U.S. Rep. John Kline of Minnesota became chairman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, Apollo Education Group, the parent company of the University of Phoenix, has been Kline's largest campaign contributor."
Let's call it like it is. Representative Kline is on the take.