Jack's Enclave - Can Obama Get His Magic Touch Back
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On August 31, 2012 Steve Kraske, political correspondent for The Kansas City Star, wrote a column titled: "Can Obama get his magic touch back?" Frankly it is a very good article, recalling how during the 2008 presidential campaign President Obama "... could soar and sing and preach and proclaim in a way this country has rarely seen before." Recounting the President's rise from the 2004 Democratic National Convention keynote speaker to President of the United States, Mr. Kraske writes "He was a force of nature who touched people the way Bobby Kennedy once did - or maybe even Martin Luther King." The article concludes with, "Can he do it again? I'm not so sure."

After reading the column I felt sad for Mr. Kraske, as I do for many who supported the President in his run for the Presidency. It would appear all they desire is to feel good again. My advise to Mr. Kraske and the Obamamaina masses, take what a friend of mine calls a "happy pill". In the end you'll get about as much real substance as you will with the re-election of President Obama.

September, 2012