Jack's Enclave - Congressional Bills
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Let's try this. (From "DownsizeDC.org".)

Each bill, and every amendment, must be read in its entirety before a quorum in both the House and Senate.

Every member of the House and Senate must sign a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that he or she has attentively either personally read, or heard read, the complete bill to be voted on.

Every old law coming up for renewal under the sunset provisions must also be read according to the same rules that apply to new bills.

Every bill to be voted on must be published on the Internet at least 7 days before a vote, and Congress must give public notice of the date when a vote will be held on that bill.

Passage of a bill that does not abide by these provisions will render the measure null and void, and establish grounds for the law to be challenged in court.

Congress cannot waive these requirements.  (End From "DownsizeDC.org")

And while we're at it, end the process of adding amendments to congressional bills. If a bill needs to be changed, change the bill by drafting a complete bill substitute. And if an unrelated amendment is worthwhile it should be able to pass congress on its own merit.

March, 2010