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3/16/2017 foxnewscom: A U.S. Senate candidate in Michigan has proposed a plan to arm homeless people with shotguns in a bid to reduce crime. Brian Ellison, a Libertarian candidate who is expected to be the party's candidate in Michigan's upcoming U.S. Senate election, proposes arming homeless people with shotguns. (Facebook)
3/19/2018 Uproar after New Jersey high school allegedly suspends students over gun-range photo: The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) said in a letter that the school's policies allow suspending students for up to a year if they are "reported to be in possession of a weapon of any type for any reason or purpose on or off school grounds."
3/17/2018 Ohio legislator says students should be able to bring guns to school. The Republican legislator insists he isn't advocating arming students, but told the Dayton Daily News that teens who meet the legal requirement of gun ownership should have the option of bringing rifles to class. 3/27/2018 Retired Justice Stevens argues for repeal of Second Amendment. Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens believes the students and demonstrators who protested this past weekend for gun control should seek a repeal of the Second Amendment.


March, 2018