Training Afghan Forces Key to US Mission
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2/22/2015 Pentagon Chief: Training Afghan Forces Key to US Mission

Just what the hell have we been doing the past 13 years with the $65 billion allocated for building Afghan security forces? Regardless of the reasons, it's a lost cause. Get all troops out now. Cut all funding for Afghanistan anything. The Russians were smart enough to do it in 1989.

If Afghanistan security forces need additional training let them hire private contractors with money from Afghanistan's multi billion dollar opium industry. Oh, I forgot. Afghanistan security would first have take control of Afghanistan's opium trade from the Taliban and regional warlords.

Kind of a Catch 22, huh? Opium trade money needed to train security forces to take control of opium trade money needed to train security forces.

Whatever. ALL U.S. troops out now. Not one more U.S. soldier's life or U.S. dollar.

February, 2015