Jack's Enclave - MSNBC calls for investigation of Megyn Kelly's amazing ratings, learns they are for real
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"The Kelly File" jumped 116 percent in the key 25-54 demographic to 623K viewers, beating MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show". Kelly's show also grew 34 percent in total viewers, rising to almost 2.8 million.

In an October 11, 2013 interview with TVNewser's Alex Weprin, MSNBC president Phil Griffin suggested journalists should investigate how the ratings for Megyn Kelly's new 9 p.m. show on Fox News shot up on its second night after debuting behind MSNBC. Quoting Mr. Griffin: "You guys should be doing some investigations - I have never seen it in all my years of cable, same overnight, same everything, and they doubled their ratings in a day? It is impossible."

The Daily News looked into Griffin's allegation and reported that a Nielsen investigation confirmed the numbers were indeed accurate.

As more Americans realize the dysfunction created by the Obama administration's policies and our nation continues its economic and social downward spiral, they will increasingly turn to news sources that provide a legitimate assessment of news and political events. This Ms. Kelly does. She appears to approach each news segment with objectivity and a sense of journalistic integrity.

Rachel Maddow, on the other hand, approaches each news segment with an in your face liberal-progressive bias and relies on nonsensical diatribes and condescending smirks to support her opinions. At best her show might pass as mild comedic entertainment, better suited to follow "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central.

What Mr. Griffin fails to understand is that cable news viewers do not tune in to be entertained. They want an accurate reporting of events with opinions developed through rational thought and supported by facts.

October, 2013